East Keswick Parish Council
East Keswick Parish Council compises of seven elected but unpaid non-political Councillors and a paid part-time Clerk. The use of the word 'parish' relates to its area of influence which is the Parish of East Keswick. It has no ecclesiastical interpretation.
The Council meets monthly at the Village Hall, usually on the third Thursday of the month at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to watch, but not participate in a meeting, though the first ten minutes are set aside to hear any comments which villagers my wish to bring to the attention of the Parish Council.
Each Spring, the annual Parish Assembly is the public meeting where the Parish Council reports to the village on its activities. An annual report is subsequently sent to every household.
The Parish Council is financed by a Precept, or small levy, added to the Community Charge paid to Leeds City Council. Despite its small budget, the Parish Council has achieved Quality Council status.
Elections to the Parish Council are held every four years. The present Parish Council comprises of: Andy Batty (Chairman), Becky Bailey, William Ballmann, Donna Harrison,
Barry Groves, Alison Waterfield, Nick Edwards
The Clerk is Kelly Martin - Email: clerk@eastkeswick.org.uk